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do not make resolutions scribbled note on a napkin

Dental Resolutions; And a Naggy New Year to You, Too

I gave up on compiling a list of New Year’s resolutions a few years ago when my wife (and now employees) started making them for me . . . lose weight – stop leaving half finished cups of coffee all over the office – quit picking up and drinking other people’s cups of coffee in […]
karey and mindy playing the mouthguard challenge game

“Come on, it’ll be FUN!” Our #MannequinChallenge

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
For those of you who may not be familiar with the Mannequin Challenge, and perhaps wondered if your favorite dental office had lost their minds when we posted a video of the team holding various crazy poses last week, allow me to share a little background. The Mannequin Challenge (#Mannequin Challenge) is a viral internet […]
a man bent down tying his shoe and holding his dog's leash in his mouth

Please Don’t Use Your Teeth

Winter is coming, my friends, and so are the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s, Festivus – whatever your religious or familial customs it’s a safe bet that you will witness, or perhaps even partake in, a time honored tradition which I have come to dread as a dentist . . . OPENING STUFF WITH […]
zombie woman with good teeth lurking in the spooky woods

Why Zombies Don’t Get Cavities

I’ve had zombies on the mind lately. No, not literally, I mean I’ve been thinking a lot about zombies. We have a Halloween costume competition at the office every year, so I’m thinking about what I might be, and my wife won’t stop talking about the premiere of The Walking Dead that’s on this weekend. […]
glass of red wine tipping over and splashing out

Wine Stained Teeth & Other First World Problems

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
My wife’s friend texted her in a panic the other night saying that she had a black tongue and wanted to know if I could diagnose the cause/solution over the phone. As a healthcare professional, I always try to encourage patients to surf Google images first, that way there’s an additional level of anxiety for […]
may the floss be with you

Why You Should (Still) Floss

  • Kristie Lake, DMD
Inquiring minds want to know what Dr. Drews and Dr. Lake think about the recent associated press report that states studies don’t support flossing. The AP article has certainly made its rounds. Here’s the general gist: The AP looked at the most rigorous research conducted over the past decade, focusing on 25 studies that generally […]
photo collage of Kayla at work

Keeping it Local with a New Addition to Your Friendly Dental Office

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
Many of you know that we have been expanding our office over the last 12 months in order to provide better service, access, and convenience to our patient family. As a result, we are busier than ever, but rest assured that our primary goal is to prioritize your visit to the dental office so that […]
dr. drews and dr. lake making hearts with their hands

Desperately Seeking Dr. Right

Choosing any kind of local service provider, whether it’s the person who cuts your hair, works on your car, or is responsible for the management of your health, can be a daunting task. In any profession, there are individuals who are good at what they do and individuals who are, well, not as good at […]
Young girl with Dr. Drews during her dental visit

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Children who have their first (positive) dental experience when they are very young tend to have a better outlook towards dental care throughout life. The role of a parent is key in achieving a successful visit. However, we know that for some, a child’s dental appointment can actually be more nerve wracking for you, the […]
fun hello from Dr. Kristie Lake

A Hardy Hello from Dr. Lake

  • Kristie Lake, DMD
Hi, tooth fans! This is Dr. Kristie Lake here. I wanted to share with everyone just how excited I am to be joining the talented and friendly staff at Drews Dental Services in Lewiston. First, a bit about me . . . As I’ve been telling all my new patients, I’m new to Dr. Drews’ […]