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pregnant woman holding her belly with the words pregnancy and oral health highlighted

Can Babies (or Aliens) Ruin Your Teeth?

Has your body been invaded by an alien (a baby human)?. . . then this blog post is for you! I don’t think it’s any secret that I really like aliens. (Both the Sci-Fi kind and the baby human kind.) I’m not sure if aliens from outer space actually exist; I am a scientist after […]
dr. drews, dr. lake, and dental hygienists having fun with costume teeth

Got Costume Teeth? We Can Help!

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
Several years ago I went to a Halloween party where the host was dressed up as Austin Powers. My wife thought his costume was super cool and commented, “Oh my gosh, he even found the teeth to go with the outfit!” Errr, no, those were his actual teeth. We’re not really sure whether he built […]
huge great dane, little chihuahua, and little yellow lab puppy

Your Local, Friendly Dental Office Just Keeps Getting Better

Bigger Isn’t Always Better, Better is Better . . . Unless it’s a Supreme Deluxe Meat pizza, then bigger is definitely better. I am generally of the opinion that less is more – and usually much better quality. I know I’d rather deal with a smaller, local business than some big, impersonal corporate chain. Case […]
shocked man with his denture wearing dog

The Dog Ate My Dentures

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
Dog Eating Dentures & Other Mishaps to Avoid! As a dentist it’s amazing how many times I’ve heard patients tell me they just want to get all of their teeth pulled and get dentures because it seems a lot easier overall for patients who struggle with oral health. In theory they do seem easier sometimes, […]
1938 Dr. West's Miracle Tuft toothbrush ad banner

The Toothbrush – America’s Favorite Invention

Hi Tooth Fans! I hope you’re all enjoying your summer so far! For the last few weeks I’ve been investigating the practice of something called “mindfulness,” which focuses one’s awareness on living in the present moment, accepting all the thoughts, body sensations, and emotions that come up without judgment. Does that sound New Age or […]
happy senior woman pointing to her beautiful smile

Avoiding The Dreaded “Denture Face”

Obviously, you can’t easily tell the difference between two human skulls unless you happen to be into forensic anthropology or forensic odontology, but it’s important we start with the bones behind the face (and smile) to talk about how dentures can actually affect your overall facial appearance. Keeping It All Together (Dem Bones) Let me […]
Asian woman pouring tea during a tea ceremony

The Ritual of the Electric Toothbrush

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
Before I became a dentist, I was a mechanical engineer for Tenneco Automotive, which meant I got to travel to our location in Japan. While the highlight for me was definitely the Kobe steak I had for dinner with some clients, one of the more interesting things I observed was the ritual involved when it […]
dental patient rudely talking on the phone while the dentist waits

Dental Office Etiquette 101

As someone who slurps the last bit of milk from the cereal bowl instead of using a spoon (much to my wife’s horror), it reinforces how I will never become the poster child for acceptable social graces. Emily Post would have an absolute field day with me. However, I can confidently speak to appropriate (and […]
red billboard that says aha moment next exit with blue sky

3 Things Dentists Wish You Knew

Do you ever just wish there were certain things the entire population just knew and understood to be true? Like a core set of knowledge you could count on people to just know, comprehend, and use in their every day lives? I suppose that “core set of community knowledge” already exists and that’s what society […]
Dr. Drews walking down the aisle of a Concord airplane

Sit Back, Relax & Enjoy Your Dental Implant Surgery

Dentistry is a lot like the aviation industry in that the priority is always a safe, predictable and routine experience for both the pilot and the passengers; the dentist and the patient. Our respective professions have been able to advance due to technology and engineering which have increased accuracy and efficiency, taking some of the […]