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actual bridge across a missing tooth with subtitle to bridge or not to bridge

Dental Bridges vs Implants

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
As a dentist, I’m often asked about the best option for replacing a missing tooth. The popular dental restoration options I’d like to cover in this blog post are dental bridges and dental implants. So really, the question is, “To Bridge, Or To Implant.” Bridges and implants are both types of dental restorations. Restorative dentistry […]
comic strip couple husband snoring

The Sleepy Snorer & Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Greetings tooth fans! This month’s blog post topic is part 2 in my series on sleep dentistry. Last time we talked about nocturnal bruxism (grinding your teeth at night), and I alluded to how sleep disordered breathing can be a contributing factor to this condition. Today I’ll talk a little bit more about snoring and […]
woman brushing with charcoal toothpaste

Charcoal Toothpaste: Does It Really Work to Whiten Teeth?

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
I am asked this same question about about twice a month – “Does charcoal whitening work?” Activated charcoal seems to be all the rage these days and since it’s now also become part of the oral care industry, I thought I’d talk a little bit about charcoal toothpaste and powder as a tooth whitener. When […]
dr. lake and dr. drews postcard stuck in the sand at the beach

Summer’s Just Started & We’re Making Waves

The summer has just started, kids & teachers have just finished with school, and already the doctors at Drews Dental Services are making waves! Sharing My Story on Career Day I was delighted to deliver a few presentations on dentistry at Tripp Middle School’s career day in Turner, which was actually my alma mater. It’s […]
silly couple in bed with the covers pulled up over their mouths

Must You Grind Your Teeth Like That?!

Hello Tooth Fans! Have you ever heard the sound of someone grinding their teeth?It’s one of those noises that makes your hair stand on end and sends chills up your spine! It’s no wonder the Bible depicts Hell as containing “wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Most of the time when I hear it, it’s a child […]
woman adjusting her tiara with the words, "my dentist said I needed a crown and I was like, I know right" printed on the bottom

“How Much is a Crown Going To Cost?”

My wife was at the hairdresser last week and overheard a conversation in the next chair between a stylist and client who was lamenting her self-diagnosed ‘soft teeth.’ She stated how unfair it was that her husband did not have the same affliction and, even worse, that there was nothing she could do about it […]
chatting around the water cooler at drews dental services

Around the Water Cooler with the Business Team

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
One thing is for sure, you are never actually going to see all four of these ladies standing this far away from the phone at one time. It has been a busy start to the year, which means we want to make sure we’ve upped our game in the ‘front of house.’ Last month, Dr. […]
kayla, renee, and chelsea in the office with a painting of the dentists on the wall

Superheroes and Sidekicks

Dr. Drews and I like superheroes. Superheroes are fantastic in their problem solving abilities and their passion for helping others. In fact, on days when our egos are really inflated, we fancy ourselves to be superheroes and decide to dress the part. Nah, we’re not that narcissistic, just fun loving and attention seeking. We really […]
drews dental office staff winter is coming game of thrones style banner

Winterize Your Mouth

Whether you keep up with Game of Thrones or not, Winter is most definitely here in Maine. Last week the number registered on my car’s temperature gauge was -22, which can create all kinds of problems for; your car’s battery, your extremities, your general mood and . . . your teeth. As hard as teeth […]
photo collage framed in the numbers 2017

Lifelong Learners; Our 2017 Retrospective

December 1st can signal a lot of different things to different people. My wife tends to go into present-shopping mode. As licensed and credentialed dental professionals, the first day of the last month of the year usually means at least a couple of us (ok, just me) are scouring emails, filing cabinets, and even under […]