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Getting Surgical Clearance From Your Dentist

Hello Tooth Fans! You know, sometimes as dentists we take the information we know for granted and we forget that there are little “life of a dentist” tidbits that you may not be aware of. For example, did you know that sometimes patients come to us because they need dental clearance prior to having surgery? […]
young man on a dark background surrounded by smoke and exploding lines in the background

Read Before Vaping

Hello Tooth Fans! One of the questions we routinely ask at a new patient visit is whether or not a patient has a tobacco habit. This isn’t because we’re nosy or because we want to judge you in some way, but because there are very important health consequences, including dental consequences, to this type of […]
elderly man at the dentist

Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s

For years we have heard about bacteria gut flora (or gut microbiota) and the benefits of having the correct balance of gut flora to your overall health. If the population of bacteria becomes out of balance, the body is negatively impacted. You’ve seen the Activia probiotic yogurt commercials and Benefiber’s prebiotic gut health commercials, right?! […]
ninja background with text that says 47.2% of Americans have mild, moderate or severe periodontitis

Periodontal Disease – Silent But Deadly

Hello Tooth Fans! April is nearly over, can you believe it? And it seems we’re finally starting to see some of that spring weather we’ve been anxiously awaiting! Things have been crazy busy at our little office, and I feel like I’ve been on tour lately with the amount of traveling I’ve been doing. The […]
the word smile spelled out of scrabble letter tiles

Funny Dental Scenes & Skits

Dentistry is pretty serious business and we value the trust you place in us as your dental service provider. That said, we also really like to lighten up the atmosphere at work, and after work, with a little bit of banter and laughter. Let’s face it, a trip to the dentist office can cause some […]
clear dental aligners and dental xrays

At-Home Aligners – Why They May Not Be A Bargain

Hello Tooth Fans! I have been receiving an increased amount of questions from patients, friends, and family about dental services being advertised direct to consumers. In fact, because Facebook knows I talk about teeth a lot, and seems to be REALLY good at marketing stuff to me that I enjoy (geeky items in particular), they […]
overly messy dental impression

Why Do I Gag at the Dentist?

Do you dread getting radiographs or having impressions taken at the dentist office, specifically because it makes you gag?! You are not alone. About 10-15 percent of dental patients suffer from hypersensitive gag reflex (HGR). And, like you, they dread getting radiographs and impressions. The goal of this blog post is to explain why you […]
snoring kid comic banner

Tooth Grinding & Sleep Apnea in Kids

Don’t Judge the Mouth Breather Most of us don’t want to be judgmental people, but even the best of us make judgments on a daily basis. It’s a survival mechanism. We need to make judgements in order to protect ourselves from harm. For example, as much as I strive not to be judgmental or inconsiderate, […]
drews dental family reception

What, Exactly, Is A Family Dentist?

Hello Tooth Fans, It’s that special time of year again, the magical time between eating pumpkin pie and hanging the mistletoe; of black Friday madness, cyber Monday deals and giving Tuesday considerations. I think what I like most about this specific time of the holiday season is the optimism that seems to float in the […]
human skull with a magnifying glass showing teeth and an exray showing dental work

Forensic Dentistry

Happy Halloween, Tooth Fans! You may be surprised to learn that dentists enjoy Halloween just as much as the rest of the “normal” population. And no, it’s not because we get more business due to the large number of cavities formed during the heavy sugar consumption this holiday spawns. Although, I have known many people […]