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Veterans Day honors ALL American Veterans, both Living and Dead

Veterans Day honors ALL American veterans, both living and dead. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank LIVING veterans for dedicated and loyal service to their country. But on this day we it is nice to keep you’re your thoughts those who made the ultimate sacrifice to our country. LTJG Osborne was a […]

Hey Parents, Things You Should Know About Your Child’s Mouth

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
Often, oral health in kids goes for a toss. The thought that ‘these are milk teeth and will fall one day’ attitude may result in dental problems in your kids. Dental and oral disorders can have a profound impact on children, and the burden of untreated dental health problems is substantial. Untreated dental decay (cavities) […]

Allergies and Your Dentist

If you have allergies, whether they’re food-related or otherwise, you’re no doubt accustomed to exercising caution at parties, the grocery store, restaurants and other places where you might inadvertently purchase or be served something you’re allergic to. But there’s someplace else where you should be careful that might not be immediately obvious, and that’s your […]
funny zebra breath banner

How to Get Rid of Garlic Bad Breath

Garlic definitely adds flavor to your dishes, but its lingering odor can be a real conversation killer! Luckily, there are simple and effective ways to combat garlic breath. Here are some tried-and-true tips: 1. Milk Magic Drinking milk while eating your favorite garlic food can work wonders for neutralizing garlic breath. The fat and water […]
young boy dental patient at Drews Dental in Lewiston, Maine

Probiotics Good for Oral Health

Probiotics are live micro-organisms, which are thought to be beneficial to the stomach. However, a new study out of Spain finds they are also good for your teeth. Researchers at International University in Barcelona, Spain, looked at the effects of probiotics on gingivitis, bad breath and cavity development. Researchers found that some of the probiotics […]
Dr. Drews holding a dental model

Star Smile Secrets: Braces or Veneers?

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
By Dr. Gerald Curatola, Published September 24, 2008, FoxNews.com Crooked teeth have been a problem since 50,000 BC according to archaeologists who have found ancient Greek orthodontic appliances-the precursor to today’s braces. When it comes to modern braces, it’s not just kids anymore. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, the number of adults opting for orthodontia […]
close-up of dental veneers

Perfect Veneers

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
Dental veneers continue to be one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments today, with more and more patients investing in the pursuit of their perfect smile. It’s clear that Hollywood-worthy smiles are still very much in demand. Whether you’re aiming for a subtle improvement or that Hollywood look, veneers offer a transformative option that […]
close up of someone's hands crafting a set of dentures

The Effects of Poor Fitting (Loose) Dentures

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
As denture-wearing people age, their dentures don’t change, but their mouths do. In fact, your gum ridges and your jawbone can change quite a bit over time without having tooth root stimulation; so, what used to fit well originally may not fit so well today. If you have false teeth, they should fit really well, […]

Which is Worse, Dog Bite or Human Bite?

The question about whether a dog bite or human bite is worse would depend largely on where in the world you are.  If you were in the developing world, rabies becomes a major factor and you would much rather be bitten by a human where rabies is much less likely.  If you were in another […]

Sometimes it is Time to Re-pave the Road Instead of Patching!

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
There is a point at which it becomes a waste of time and resources to keep patching up the same potholes in a road. Eventually a new layer of blacktop is going to be the best long term solution- your tires and suspension will be happier for it. Your teeth are the same way; more […]